Tuesday, April 30, 2024

First Year as Residents in The Netherlands

Nope. That's not our new house in the background. *wishing* hahaha

Three Dutch companies. One house. One apartment soon. A few Dutch cities. One more EU country.

That's our Netherlands life in a year so far. I could add: lots of servings of appeltaarts, poffertjes, pannenkoeken, frikandels, friets, kibbelings, etc. 

Several buses, trains, and plane rides.

A handful of good people from the church and our workplaces. Not to forget our four friends' sleepovers and one game day with pals. 

And behind all these, One loving and constant God. That's always the best part. We always pray that wherever life takes us, as long as He is there, we are OK. I know about His omnipresence. But to genuinely know it is to experience it.

As we move on to our second year, more await us. This involves transitions, breakthroughs, and crossroads.

Life may not be rosy (or to be Dutch, "tulips-y" hahaha) forever. Whether we are in The Philippines, Malaysia, or The Netherlands, we still get to realize this. As long as faith and love exist, we will be OK. God always sees us through.

I must confess I do not know if we will still live here a few years from now. But I am sure that we always bloom where God plants us. That is always my hope.

So, wait for our next adventure. More will be added to our personal statistics.

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