Sunday, May 22, 2022

Updated: COVID-19 Chronicles


(This was posted on the first day I tested positive.) 

Counting the days until I could do another test to see if I'm still infected. 

When my son had COVID in March, I knew that it was only a matter of time before any one of us would get it. So my turn came on a Saturday, May 21 (or when I found out I have it through a test). I, somehow, expected the result. 

It began with an unusual feeling of something being stuck in my throat, like a furball, haha! I felt it on Wednesday. I would wake up for two nights feeling warm. I would sweat, which was unusual. Then Friday morning came. I tested negative. But I noticed I was not improving. So, I tested again on Saturday night. That's when COVID showed up (photo above). 

I postponed a meeting scheduled for Sunday afternoon and did not attend church, where I was supposed to do photography for the service. 

My early symptoms are sore throat, followed by a cough and a cold. There would be occasional mild headaches, on-and-off low-grade fever (37.4 max), and slight body pains as if you spent the whole day at the gym. 

Up to now, my voice is still hoarse. Now, on Day 3/Day 4, I feel a bit better. 

I continue my regimen of drinking boiled fresh ginger (salabat) mixed with honey. This solved my cough issues and helped me in my sleep. I eat guava, squeeze pure calamansi, drink about three liters of water (a habit), and take a lozenge as a throat relief. I continue our usual supplements of vitamin C and Zinc.

I monitor my temperature and blood oxygen using an oximeter. We turn on our copper-infused air purifier the whole day so that my boys will not get the virus. We also keep our sanitizers handy.

Some of my friends had asked where and how I got COVID. It would be difficult to identify the source. My husband believes he got it from his office and transmitted it to me while he is asymptomatic. He confessed that he woke up on Wednesday feeling under the weather. After his morning exercise and shower, it was gone.

All in all, I could say that our bout with swine flu in 2020 was harder than COVID. The fever, chills, and coughing we experienced having swine flu were more intense. By the third day, we were completely healed. COVID viruses tend to stay longer.  

I will not end without attributing to Jesus the peace and calm I feel. I know, for sure, that He has been with me since the first day I got sick. Not only that, in the past, today, and in the future. He is my Healer, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

(And hey, vaccines work! Don't wait until you get COVID and suffer much worse symptoms.)

Update: The negative test result below indicates my husband's test today (his 7th day). We tested after waking up. Then we walked around the neighborhood (a three-kilometer or so walk) because he can finally go out and do his usual morning runs. Praise God for this! We had a simple celebratory lunch; and will have a celebratory weekend by watching Top Gun and eating out. Very much awaited! 

We both survived! 


  1. This time the K-fever is KOVID. Keep up the healthy intake and monitoring. You will be healed. Hoping to have the normal Angie back soon!
