Sunday, March 13, 2022

Our Time with COVID-19

It is often said that "it is not a matter of 'if' but 'when'." 

The first of March became a memorable time for us as a family. Just weeks before his birthday this month, our son contracted Covid-19. We suspect that he got it from the salon where he had his haircut. It was a Saturday. Then Tuesday night came when he slept earlier than usual because he was feeling dizzy with a headache.

This chronicles his journey with the virus. For this purpose, I begin Day 1 on a Tuesday evening.

Day 1, March 1 (Tues): With a headache, occasional mild cough disturbed sleeping 

Day 2, March 2 (Wed): With a slight headache, itchy throat, occasional mild cough, colds began late in the day, tested positive after breakfast using RTK, resting the whole day and skipped school, no medicine being given, had ginger tea and honey, usual vitamins (C, D), probiotics, and Zinc, 5 mg melatonin for sleep

Day 3, March 3 (Thurs): Still coughing mildly and occasionally, with colds and runny nose

Day 4, March 4 (Fri): Coughing less but still with colds and still no fever (temp. 35.3)

Day 5, March 5( Sat): Improvement noticed, nose still stuffy, temperature 35.8, still no medication except for usual vitamins and supplements, including melatonin, tested negative using the RTK, but we still observed until the seventh day after another test

Day 6, March 6 (Sun): Improved sore throat and cold, still no fever, same intake of vitamins, supplements, and melatonin

Day 7, March 7 (Mon): He attended online classes already, coughing more frequently due to phlegm that wants to be expelled  

Day 8, March 8 (Tues): His test showed a blurry second line so we were unsure if it was + or -, coughing improved, overall health better, scheduled him to be out of quarantine the next day to be sure (instead of yesterday as per Health Department protocol of being out after the seventh day)

Since then, he has completely recovered. Praise God!

During those days, we were carefully practising all sanitary protocols and quarantine procedures.

My husband tested negative on March 3 (Thurs), March 5 (Sat), and March 12 (Sat).

I tested negative on March 2 (Wed), March 4 (Fri), and March 12 (Sat).

We consider it God's divine protection that my husband and I did not get it at all despite the floor area of our condo unit (almost 1000 sq ft). It's a good thing that our son has his own toilet in his room. And that his mom is a germophobe and has OCD. Hahaha!

Seriously, we are just so thankful that God has heard our prayers to make it just mild symptoms if any of the three of us would catch it. True enough, it was in our son's case. He did not have a fever. I was observing him carefully because he has mild asthma. 

Our prayer remains that my husband and I would still not contract Covid-19 for us to continue working and looking out for the family.

Lastly, this proves that vaccines help, coupled with a lifestyle of good health habits. Our son has completed his shots with a booster.

Let's use what God has provided us with to fight this pandemic in our households.

PS: Thanks to our friends who prayed with us, sent us fruits, and even gave us a 'Covid cash allowance' (though we did not ask for it)! Hahaha! 


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