Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Life's Foggy Like That


Foggy at 7 PM near my son's apartment. I thought it is snowing already.

Sometimes, life presents a clear vision of what you are now and what's up ahead. However, there are times when life is foggy. Everything seems unclear. 

With many decisions in the offing, you find yourself which one/s to choose, which road to take, or which ones to avoid. The good thing is, before you know it, you have already passed through it. Things naturally happen on its own. It could be like that or you are too preoccupied too notice the change the process brings.

Maybe the long-term foggy season is why some of the people in my life, mostly family, were not able to make wise life decisions. This, in the long run, paved the way to all their miseries. As a person who cares so much about their well-being and life status, I could only pray and cry silently as I empathize. There is nothing much I could do. I support them in the way that I can, in any other form. But the power to change the whole course of their lives sits on their mindset. I believe God has reached out to them many times. Heardened hearts would only hear what they want to hear.

As I reflect on what's happening to them, I could only wish that somehow, they could also benefit from the same kind of joy that I have. It is not material-driven. It is not situational. Even if I have my own troubles, doubts, and fears, it is very reassuring that God is with me through it all. I often think about this for them because I care. 

Life is not fair. But we all have a part in it. How we respond to situations, how we plan, how we involve God in our daily lives --- those are the important parts. In the end, it is always between you and God. Let's not waste our lives trying to be our own gods. We must all admit that we are powerless and there is a more powerful Being whom we have to answer to when our time is up.

As for my brother and sister, who are undergoing so much pain, unhappiness, and deep bondage to sin, I hope, pray, and sincerely want you to reach a life breakthrough that would make you realize the majesty and glory of our Lord. He will never forsake anyone who loves to have a renewed life, here and in eternity. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Diabetes Scare Meets a Mother's Prayer and a Faithful God

Daddy's boy

"Praise God! Thank God!"

Those were the first words that came out of my mouth when the doctor said my son is not diabetic.

To backtrack, a week ago, after downing a large tumbler of milk tea, my son suddenly experienced a series of hunger and thirst pangs. He said it was the first time it had happened to him. Those in the know would advise having him checked for diabetes. So, off we went to the doctor. At the clinic, true enough, the doctor suggested testing his blood for diabetes markers. 

It was the second longest wait of my life. The first one was when I was giving birth to him. While waiting for the lab results overnight, I would check my blood pressure. I was not surprised to see it was elevated than usual. I was thinking of the what-ifs. My mind was already racing to the next year of our lives. 

The first question I asked God was, "What message are you telling me?" I even told God, "What happened to my daily declaration of good health for my family in Your Name?" For just a little bit, I questioned Him, but at the same time told myself to turn this test into a testimony of His faithfulness.

Then I found myself back to surrendering the situation to Him, saying that we will just do what we can and must. We leave all the uncontrollable up to God. 

Then in my evening prayer time before sleeping, I told God to speak to me, that I am listening. As I opened the reading material, the title of the message came alive before my eyes: "God will heal your heart, mind, and body". To quote: Oftentimes, a person's waiting season is also a person's healing season." Then it went on: "While you are waiting on God, it is very important to recognize the areas in your life where you need to be healed. Healing is not just limited to physical healing. Healing can also take place in your mind... The Word of God is serving as your treatment. God is willing to provide you with everything you need to be healed. But you can't make God heal you the way you want to be healed. You have to allow God to heal you the way He wants to heal you. You must trust God and His process."  This last sentence appealed to me a lot.

Then It led me to Ecclesiastes 3:1-5. It is one of my four favorite books in the Bible. And the verse talks about seasons in life. Part of verse 3 says, "A time to kill, and a time to heal..."  

That's when I knew God demonstrated his realness to me. Quiet tears fell as I talked to Him. It was I that needed healing from worry. It robbed me of the time I was supposed to pray and trust more. Although it was for a little while, I felt its immediate impact. 

I woke up feeling differently. Something good is in store. All this time, my husband was calm and composed, seeing things matter-of-factly. He was confident that our son is not sick of the same disease that killed his dad. I can't blame him. EJ lives a healthy lifestyle and is very disciplined. He only eats potato chips on Saturday night. He does not like sweets. We serve balanced meals at home. He drinks three liters of water each day. He eats low glycemic parboiled rice. And so on and so forth. All this is because of the healthy habits we initiate at home.

After our morning breakfast and family devotion, we headed to the clinic for the moment of truth. There was no trace of yesterday's mourning. 

The doctor finally revealed the findings, "Your son is not diabetic." What's even greater is that all his test numbers are perfect (cholesterol, blood count, thyroid, kidney, liver, sugar, etc.). I would like to believe that a mother's prayer is always effective because I've seen that in the life of many, including mine. But a faithful God is the highlight of this event. God is real! God is true! Even if EJ's test turned out the other way, He still is faithful and true. Because at the end of each life here, we have hope for a better one. 

Now, with huge relief, we can say that we are flying to Europe this weekend without any shadow of doubt following us. 

I can't contain the joy that God brings. With or without these temporary earthly things, I'll keep trusting. (Philippians 4:7)

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Updated: COVID-19 Chronicles


(This was posted on the first day I tested positive.) 

Counting the days until I could do another test to see if I'm still infected. 

When my son had COVID in March, I knew that it was only a matter of time before any one of us would get it. So my turn came on a Saturday, May 21 (or when I found out I have it through a test). I, somehow, expected the result. 

It began with an unusual feeling of something being stuck in my throat, like a furball, haha! I felt it on Wednesday. I would wake up for two nights feeling warm. I would sweat, which was unusual. Then Friday morning came. I tested negative. But I noticed I was not improving. So, I tested again on Saturday night. That's when COVID showed up (photo above). 

I postponed a meeting scheduled for Sunday afternoon and did not attend church, where I was supposed to do photography for the service. 

My early symptoms are sore throat, followed by a cough and a cold. There would be occasional mild headaches, on-and-off low-grade fever (37.4 max), and slight body pains as if you spent the whole day at the gym. 

Up to now, my voice is still hoarse. Now, on Day 3/Day 4, I feel a bit better. 

I continue my regimen of drinking boiled fresh ginger (salabat) mixed with honey. This solved my cough issues and helped me in my sleep. I eat guava, squeeze pure calamansi, drink about three liters of water (a habit), and take a lozenge as a throat relief. I continue our usual supplements of vitamin C and Zinc.

I monitor my temperature and blood oxygen using an oximeter. We turn on our copper-infused air purifier the whole day so that my boys will not get the virus. We also keep our sanitizers handy.

Some of my friends had asked where and how I got COVID. It would be difficult to identify the source. My husband believes he got it from his office and transmitted it to me while he is asymptomatic. He confessed that he woke up on Wednesday feeling under the weather. After his morning exercise and shower, it was gone.

All in all, I could say that our bout with swine flu in 2020 was harder than COVID. The fever, chills, and coughing we experienced having swine flu were more intense. By the third day, we were completely healed. COVID viruses tend to stay longer.  

I will not end without attributing to Jesus the peace and calm I feel. I know, for sure, that He has been with me since the first day I got sick. Not only that, in the past, today, and in the future. He is my Healer, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

(And hey, vaccines work! Don't wait until you get COVID and suffer much worse symptoms.)

Update: The negative test result below indicates my husband's test today (his 7th day). We tested after waking up. Then we walked around the neighborhood (a three-kilometer or so walk) because he can finally go out and do his usual morning runs. Praise God for this! We had a simple celebratory lunch; and will have a celebratory weekend by watching Top Gun and eating out. Very much awaited! 

We both survived! 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Our Time with COVID-19

It is often said that "it is not a matter of 'if' but 'when'." 

The first of March became a memorable time for us as a family. Just weeks before his birthday this month, our son contracted Covid-19. We suspect that he got it from the salon where he had his haircut. It was a Saturday. Then Tuesday night came when he slept earlier than usual because he was feeling dizzy with a headache.

This chronicles his journey with the virus. For this purpose, I begin Day 1 on a Tuesday evening.

Day 1, March 1 (Tues): With a headache, occasional mild cough disturbed sleeping 

Day 2, March 2 (Wed): With a slight headache, itchy throat, occasional mild cough, colds began late in the day, tested positive after breakfast using RTK, resting the whole day and skipped school, no medicine being given, had ginger tea and honey, usual vitamins (C, D), probiotics, and Zinc, 5 mg melatonin for sleep

Day 3, March 3 (Thurs): Still coughing mildly and occasionally, with colds and runny nose

Day 4, March 4 (Fri): Coughing less but still with colds and still no fever (temp. 35.3)

Day 5, March 5( Sat): Improvement noticed, nose still stuffy, temperature 35.8, still no medication except for usual vitamins and supplements, including melatonin, tested negative using the RTK, but we still observed until the seventh day after another test

Day 6, March 6 (Sun): Improved sore throat and cold, still no fever, same intake of vitamins, supplements, and melatonin

Day 7, March 7 (Mon): He attended online classes already, coughing more frequently due to phlegm that wants to be expelled  

Day 8, March 8 (Tues): His test showed a blurry second line so we were unsure if it was + or -, coughing improved, overall health better, scheduled him to be out of quarantine the next day to be sure (instead of yesterday as per Health Department protocol of being out after the seventh day)

Since then, he has completely recovered. Praise God!

During those days, we were carefully practising all sanitary protocols and quarantine procedures.

My husband tested negative on March 3 (Thurs), March 5 (Sat), and March 12 (Sat).

I tested negative on March 2 (Wed), March 4 (Fri), and March 12 (Sat).

We consider it God's divine protection that my husband and I did not get it at all despite the floor area of our condo unit (almost 1000 sq ft). It's a good thing that our son has his own toilet in his room. And that his mom is a germophobe and has OCD. Hahaha!

Seriously, we are just so thankful that God has heard our prayers to make it just mild symptoms if any of the three of us would catch it. True enough, it was in our son's case. He did not have a fever. I was observing him carefully because he has mild asthma. 

Our prayer remains that my husband and I would still not contract Covid-19 for us to continue working and looking out for the family.

Lastly, this proves that vaccines help, coupled with a lifestyle of good health habits. Our son has completed his shots with a booster.

Let's use what God has provided us with to fight this pandemic in our households.

PS: Thanks to our friends who prayed with us, sent us fruits, and even gave us a 'Covid cash allowance' (though we did not ask for it)! Hahaha! 


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Life Lessons from a Wobbly Tooth

Another one of my wisdom teeth bites the dust. After two decades of trying to protect them from losing another member, I let go of this one. A total of two molars were lost. The first one was after giving birth to my son, my so-called sacrificial tooth or the victim of calcium loss during pregnancy. 

Weird as it may sound, but I like every trip to the dentist for my regular cleaning and polishing. While some dread the mere sight of the clinic signboard, it is the opposite for me. After leaving the clinic, I'd have this satisfying feeling that my pearly whites are, indeed, pearly whites that are free from the stains of the morning and evening tea, and dark chocolate bars/drinks.

I complained to the dentist that I had been sleepless for two nights because of the pain the third molar caused. Despite the throbbing ache, I was upbeat. I was imagining the relief once the tooth is out. My dentist checked the shaky tooth, and he confirmed what I was looking forward to. I had to say goodbye to that troublesome tooth.   

Anyway, the real story began when I sat on the dental chair. I thought injecting the anesthesia was the tormenting part. My dentist applied the anesthetics five times instead of two. The pain I felt with every move of the tooth extractor was unbearable. I never felt this when I had a tooth extraction the first time. Hence, the added anesthetics. My knee was jerking every time I would hear the cracking of my tooth with the left-and-right swinging of that dental tool inside my numb mouth. The dentist would stop every now and then because he said he was worried. Haha! 

I was not worried. "Horrified" was the better word. The experience was totally unexpected. I never gave in to fear, though. During that ordeal, I decided to sing in my head a hymn that I sang when I had a health issue years back. I would sing this as well every time my blood pressure monitor would show elevated numbers. I was sort of meditating on a dental chair with Turn your Eyes upon Jesus playing in my head. No kidding, but it does wonders every time. 

Then a realization about pain came. Pain is inevitable. It comes, but it also goes. The real clincher is what we do when we are in pain. Do we escape? Do we just go through with it? 

More importantly, who do we go to when we experience pain? In my life, going to God is a time-tested way to coast through pain. It is not a religious thing. It is something more personal. 

My desire for my loved ones, and for everyone, is the same. That we breeze through life by going to Jesus.

Going back to my wobbly tooth, the dentist finally showed it to me. I looked at it and felt a little "separation anxiety". That thing that caused my pain is now gone, but I felt a tinge of sadness. We are all like that sometimes. We unknowingly nurture the sources of our burdens and trouble. We'd only feel the relief after we give them up. That sadness was only for a minute. I became happy that I could sleep again unbothered by a wobbly tooth.

Now that's a life lesson.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full, in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace