Friday, November 19, 2021

Why Social Media Birthdays are Overrated

Thanks to our Aussie friend for this great-tasting red wine

Because of Facebook birthdays reminders, it has become easy for many of us to remember birthdays and greet one another. If you recently celebrated your birthday (like me) and received many greetings, then great!

But what if you didn't put your birthday on Facebook (also me)? Here is when you know who truly remembers and cares to greet you by any means. I admit I don't remember all my friends' birthdays. But I know almost all the birthdays of my close friends. 

Yesterday, on my birthday, I saw only a handful of greeters. Some I saw when I first glanced on my phone. Others, about a few days before. I appreciate them deeply, especially those who truly know the day a birthday falls even without a Facebook reminder. A friend even said he put it on his phone as a reminder. Now that is effort! Another girlfriend did IG and FB shoutouts to my surprise. I was shy because of the attention it garnered. Mwehehe... This is not about keeping count. But this is about the reality that people forget or do not care that much; and that you must come to terms with it, overcome, and move forward still being friends with them.

I honestly don't know why I always have this thought every time our birthdays come. "Our" means my and my husband's. It's probably because we only keep to ourselves! Haha! And I, not my husband, become a bit reflective when some of my expectations fail. Maybe this is what getting older means. You become more sentimental and see who are still there over the years or who are now there. I felt this mostly these past two weeks as I was asking for testimonials from some people for a birthday tribute for a loved one. I am glad because a lot of them turned up to give their short but sweet effort. Some had valid and realistic reasons for not being able to produce one. But some plainly said they cannot or was not able to do it. This is REALITY. 

As a birthday reflection, with or without a Facebook reminder or birthday greetings from the world, what matters is that your immediate circle and family remember you. The most special and most important fact that you should appreciate is the ever-present love from God. It is the kind that never forgets, does not need a Facebook reminder, and is unconditional. 

Forgive me if I failed or will fail to greet you on your birthday. As I have forgiven you for mine.

I received so many blessings lately, a couple of those I had asked for years before my 2021 birthday. We also had an awesome out-of-town celebration. It will be in my next blog.

It's just so fantastic to be alive at 45! (There, I said my age! Haha!)

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