Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Diabetes Scare Meets a Mother's Prayer and a Faithful God

Daddy's boy

"Praise God! Thank God!"

Those were the first words that came out of my mouth when the doctor said my son is not diabetic.

To backtrack, a week ago, after downing a large tumbler of milk tea, my son suddenly experienced a series of hunger and thirst pangs. He said it was the first time it had happened to him. Those in the know would advise having him checked for diabetes. So, off we went to the doctor. At the clinic, true enough, the doctor suggested testing his blood for diabetes markers. 

It was the second longest wait of my life. The first one was when I was giving birth to him. While waiting for the lab results overnight, I would check my blood pressure. I was not surprised to see it was elevated than usual. I was thinking of the what-ifs. My mind was already racing to the next year of our lives. 

The first question I asked God was, "What message are you telling me?" I even told God, "What happened to my daily declaration of good health for my family in Your Name?" For just a little bit, I questioned Him, but at the same time told myself to turn this test into a testimony of His faithfulness.

Then I found myself back to surrendering the situation to Him, saying that we will just do what we can and must. We leave all the uncontrollable up to God. 

Then in my evening prayer time before sleeping, I told God to speak to me, that I am listening. As I opened the reading material, the title of the message came alive before my eyes: "God will heal your heart, mind, and body". To quote: Oftentimes, a person's waiting season is also a person's healing season." Then it went on: "While you are waiting on God, it is very important to recognize the areas in your life where you need to be healed. Healing is not just limited to physical healing. Healing can also take place in your mind... The Word of God is serving as your treatment. God is willing to provide you with everything you need to be healed. But you can't make God heal you the way you want to be healed. You have to allow God to heal you the way He wants to heal you. You must trust God and His process."  This last sentence appealed to me a lot.

Then It led me to Ecclesiastes 3:1-5. It is one of my four favorite books in the Bible. And the verse talks about seasons in life. Part of verse 3 says, "A time to kill, and a time to heal..."  

That's when I knew God demonstrated his realness to me. Quiet tears fell as I talked to Him. It was I that needed healing from worry. It robbed me of the time I was supposed to pray and trust more. Although it was for a little while, I felt its immediate impact. 

I woke up feeling differently. Something good is in store. All this time, my husband was calm and composed, seeing things matter-of-factly. He was confident that our son is not sick of the same disease that killed his dad. I can't blame him. EJ lives a healthy lifestyle and is very disciplined. He only eats potato chips on Saturday night. He does not like sweets. We serve balanced meals at home. He drinks three liters of water each day. He eats low glycemic parboiled rice. And so on and so forth. All this is because of the healthy habits we initiate at home.

After our morning breakfast and family devotion, we headed to the clinic for the moment of truth. There was no trace of yesterday's mourning. 

The doctor finally revealed the findings, "Your son is not diabetic." What's even greater is that all his test numbers are perfect (cholesterol, blood count, thyroid, kidney, liver, sugar, etc.). I would like to believe that a mother's prayer is always effective because I've seen that in the life of many, including mine. But a faithful God is the highlight of this event. God is real! God is true! Even if EJ's test turned out the other way, He still is faithful and true. Because at the end of each life here, we have hope for a better one. 

Now, with huge relief, we can say that we are flying to Europe this weekend without any shadow of doubt following us. 

I can't contain the joy that God brings. With or without these temporary earthly things, I'll keep trusting. (Philippians 4:7)