Friday, December 31, 2021

My Update for 2022: New Year, New Leaf

We turn a new leaf, a new page, in our book called life as 2022 quietly arrives. I say quietly because literally, the bangs in the neighborhood were almost nil. There was only a couple of quick fireworks. Not complaining, though. I like the lights but not the noise.

Truly, 2022 is a spinoff of the bittersweet goings-on in 2021. We're still in the middle of an ever-evolving pandemic. Although there is a hint of normalcy, little by little. But without a doubt, we can still feel the fragility of the situation. 

On a spiritual level, 2021 has proven God's might once again. He can do anything. I just had to wait and see. The hard part, especially if waiting took so long. Patience is not one of my virtues growing old. But I did it with His help. 

I have started reading my favorite book in the Bible, Ecclesiastes. The man of great wisdom, King Solomon, wrote it. As I began reading the first chapter, his words still permeate, even though I already know what he is saying. I love how he stitches the words and the expression of his soul. Especially when you read about "the vanity of vanities." What he wrote all points to the glory of God.

Professionally, the last quarter ushers in new beginnings for me and my husband. He is starting with a new group, hailed as the best employer in the country. The company offered an unexpected package to his amazement and beyond what he asked for. As for me, I write for a foreign company, with a very convenient set-up for me. I am also set to start at another leading media group. I am excited about the latter, mainly because, as a storyteller, it is going to be a very new thing for me. I am also nervous at the same time as I think about that first report. Stick around. One day, you will hear or see my stand-upper. 

All these new things have come as breakthroughs. If you only knew how I prayed and waited. The same goes for my husband. All in all, there is no secret formula. It's just faith+patience+love. And all these things will be added unto you.

Christmas in a Pandemic

It's everybody's Christmas in a pandemic. But that should not stop us from celebrating Jesus.

It may be simple, but it's OK. You may be in a big life mess and feel that Christmas is not the right time to rejoice. 

Let's not forget one thing. It has never been about us. Although we indeed want to give gifts in this season of love and giving. The act is just a manifestation of the meaning of the occasion. 

It's always about the first coming of Christ. The ultimate act of love that the Father did. The ultimate example of giving came on that first Christmas day.

I want to reshare what I posted on my Facebook right after Christmas.

The Cabahuggables' reflection during our traditional Christmas Eve family devotion:
🌟 What if Jesus did not come as a baby but as an adult performing the miracles in His ministry? Would it still be called 'Christmas?'
🌟 Christmas is a season that our non-Christian friends also observe. Because they say that they like the "vibe" it creates, especially in this pandemic.
🌟 Christmas is the only time of the year that reflects an atmosphere of forgiveness, love, peace, joy, harmony, restoration, and all the many good things. As we get older, we know why. Those are the very same reason why God sent Jesus, and what Jesus embodies.
The commercialism of Christmas is good if it's a way to propagate the idea to non-Christians. But let us not get TOO focused on that. The centerpiece is the One born to save everyone.
PS: I just learned that Jesus was about two years old when the wise men discovered him. Contrary to the nativity scene commonly depicted.

Here's a video of how we spent some days during the holidays leading up to Christmas.